Monday, June 2, 2014

small miracles

I wish I could describe the way that I’m feeling tonight.  I've tried numerous times today to put it to words…but I just can’t quite get it out.  If you happen to have stopped by my little blog in the past year, you will know that God has guided me through quite a journey complete with mountains, valleys, and lots of windy and mangled roads.  All the while though I have this sense of closeness with Him…I feel my roots digging down deeper and deeper.  I’ve learned to lean into him more.  I’ve learned to walk with him more closely.  

Dan, myself, and our kids are in an exciting time of our life.  I’d love to tell you more about it over coffee at Panera sometime.  We are embarking on an adventure for sure.  There is no guidebook, there are no assurances.  Our bills still must be paid, and life still delivers its cruel realities with bits of happiness sprinkled throughout.  But God has called us to something and our hearts know it well.  His voice is unmistakeable.  He confirms it time and time again.  It’s been about a year since this leg of the journey began and looking back I just can’t help but fall to my knees in amazement and wonder at the goodness and mysterious nature of his ways.  We are not special.  We are not better.  Our lives are not easy!  We love God more than life itself.  We have been called to a life of leading people to Jesus and to do anything else feels utterly impossible. 

You see, today I witnessed a small miracle.  Again, to explain the details with words would undermine the work that God did in my heart.  So I will leave you with this:  God is real.  He created you.  He loves you.  He wants to know you intimately.  He is not surprised by your pain.  And He is not defined by your past experiences of “church” or “faith”…He is beyond all of that.   He wants a relationship with you and the thought of a life without him terrifies me to my core.  His peace is beyond understanding.  His provision takes my breath away…

If you’re missing this…let’s have coffee.  

“But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire.  It’s like a fire in my bones!  I am worn out trying to hold it in!  I can’t do it!” Jeremiah 20:9

Until the next time :-), C

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