Thursday, April 15, 2010

So many things on my mind...

So I've been cooped up and sick for days now...and today I opened the front door and just breathed the air...and felt better.  It is amazing how healing the sunshine and breeze can be.  (I think the little pill I took last night helped too).  The colors are just I grabbed my laptop, some of the amazing pasta that I made last night for dinner, a glass of tea, and the baby monitor and ran outside to soak up the spring-ness.  Then I see a litte robin hanging out in my little tree with white buds on it that look like snow.  Grabbed my camera and took some pics.  I'm loving my life. 

There's a robin in here...but I had a really hard time getting a good shot. Can you see her?

It is such a different life being a parent.  Have you seen the show "Parenthood"?  It is good.  It represents a lot of what I'm starting to feel.  Before Micah, I felt as if my husband and I had similar roles...obviously we have our God-given roles...but we shared everything...chores, dinner duty, paychecks, workdays.  I had my career, he had his, then we had do-what-ever-we-want time and it was great.  Now, I cannot separate my life from Micah.  He is factored into everything that I do...even my work.  I cannot work without thinking of who will provide childcare and making sure I have enough food packed for him.  My husband still proceeds with life as it was before.  Of course, I know that Micah has affected his life...but our roles are just different.  This isn't a bad thing.  I'm not complaining.  It is just a realization of something that I knew was coming.  And, let me emphasize...I love it.  It's just a different season.  The past few days have been tough beause baby boy was sick...and so was mommy...and daddy worked late so I wasn't too optimistic about it all.'s a new day

Also, for some reason I've had a Caedmon's Call song stuck in my head called "Ballad of San Francisco".  It's pretty catchy.  Love that band...too bad Derek Webb left. 

On a completly random note...I have to throw this in.  I'm copying off of a blog idea from my pal Meagan on this one.  I LOVE to cook...and I have to tell you about this amazing pasta that I made last night.  One of my favorite things about cooking is ... the internet.  Yeah, I've got the Betty Crocker and he Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook for the essentials...and I refer to them all of the time.  But, when I'm looking for somethiing is baby!  Also, I love as well.  Sometimes they are too complicated though...kraft is usually much easier.  Anyways, they send emails weekly with different recipe ideas and yesterday was 10 different pastas.  So LOVE can probably tell by looking at my hips...LOL.  This one was creamy chicken pasta...or something like that.  It technically was the "smart" version of the recipe...which is supposed to mean that it is healthy...but it was a whopping 11 points per only had a little bit.  I also changed it up a bit.  I'll work on making it a little healthier later but for now it is whole wheat pasta (I used rotini), diced tomatoes, oregano, basil, garlic, onions, green pepper, salt, pepper, neufachel (sp) cheese, and parmasean cheese.  You pretty much just mix it all together.  It was amazing.  My husband even said so.  Thanks  It was nice to eat something other than saltine crackers and oatmeal for a change.  Until tomorrow's Top 10 Things...bye!  

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