Monday, July 23, 2012

Girl's Night In For Freedom

Last night I hosted my first 'Girl's Night In For Freedom'. Whenever God lays something on my heart to is interesting to watch things unfold leading up to the event. I've written a little about this before here and here. I can always count on the fact that the enemy will try to discourage and distract me. Yesterday was no different. It is always so encouraging to hear people's responses and watch as the news travels. I know that if anything good comes from one of our events that it is only by God's grace and his direction in people's lives. I love to hear people talking about anti-trafficking efforts. I tend to get a bit stressed (dreams, sleep trouble) prior to something like this. It doesn't bother me too much though because I kinda see it as God's way of telling me how he wants things done. It's kinda neat watching God orchestrate everything.

 The purpose of the night was to bring women together to hang out like girls and support anti-human trafficking efforts instead of spending our money on traditional girl's night events like dinner out and a movie. The entire night was centered around ways to recognize modern day slavery and to identify areas in our lives where we could substitute products that benefit abolitionist causes. Food was provided by Chipotle. This company focuses on providing food that is organic and make it their goal to purchase products that are slave free! Read about their 'food with integrity' philosophy here. After a lot of mingling and being girls, we sat down to view 'Nefarious: Merchant of Souls'. This is a hard-hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends in modern sex slavery. I can't watch this film without getting choked up. It leaves you feeling bothered, but unlike others that I've seen, there is a message of hope that only comes from freedom in Christ. It will send chills down your spine.

 I also featured products from Radiant Cosmetics where a portion of each purchase is donated to anti-trafficking efforts. Another organization featured was Stop Traffick Fashion who selects fashionable accessories from businesses that provide jobs to survivors of trafficking. And of course, I couldn't let the night go by without talking about the organization that is so close to my heart, Doma International. This group journeys with women that have been arrested for solicitation and have horrendous stories of abuse and trafficking. In my opinion, the night was a success. I can't wait to do it again. Next time I'll remember to get a picture! If anyone would like to make a donation or purchase, email me ( and I will send coupon codes! The shows close in one week.

 In what ways have you substituted a slave free product into your life?