Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Running into some roadblocks...KEEP PRAYING! I know how Satan works. He has been trying to discourage me since the day I accepted Christ. He knows that I will see him coming in the weird stuff and the big stuff (tragedies, spooky things). But in the everyday confusion and struggles...I don't always remain focused. If we are to get involved in the process of ending human trafficking, we WILL be fought. We already are. Will you continue to pray?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Specific prayer need for today

I just emailed Judge Angela Stokes who has started Project HOPE, a similar program to CATCH, and asked to meet with her.  (These projects focus on offering women who have been arrested for solicitation a chance to enter a treatment program as an alternative to jail time etc.)  These women are victims of human trafficking (trust me, I heard their stories yesterday).  Will you pray that the judge will read my email and respond?  Will you pray that I will have the opportunity to see Project HOPE in the same way that I got to attend CATCH?  Will you pray that this will happen soon?

Thanks :-)

Read about Project HOPE here.  Also, see this excerpt below:

Prostitution often referred to as human sex
trafficking is not a victimless crime. The act of
prostitution can physically and emotionally
destroy offenders while negatively impacting the
neighborhoods where it is most prevalent. In
1998, Judge Angela R. Stokes established
Project HOPE (Holistic Opportunities and
Preventative Education) which is the Cleveland
Municipal Court's rehabilitative program for
prostitution offenders. Project HOPE's mission is
to use the criminal justice system not only to stop
the commission of these crimes, but also to see
the offenders as victims in need of serious life
changes to reduce recidivism and help them become productive members of
our communities.
Through Project HOPE, referrals are made for alcohol/drug abuse assessments
for treatment and counseling, mental health assessments and counseling,
recovery support groups, vocational skills assessments and training,
GED classes and higher education, social services and temporary housing
services. The participants of Project HOPE have two years to successfully
complete the curriculum and individually designed conditions.
Judge Stokes founded the "Come and See Speakers Bureau" whereby
community agencies provide dynamic speakers who are "Ambassadors of
Hope" and voluntarily give presentations at the monthly Project HOPE compliance
dockets because of their belief in Project HOPE and its participants.
Project HOPE is honored and thankful for the dedicated speakers from the
Cleveland Clinic Foundation's Community Outreach Program, Dress For
Success, Cornerstone of Hope, Cuyahoga County Child Enforcement
Agency and many other organizations.
Project HOPE has an Advisory Board which includes two former graduates
of Project HOPE, each of whom has eleven years off the streets. The
mentoring program for the participants of Project HOPE is in the process of
being expanded. Another goal is to establish a Project HOPE home.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My day in court...

Today, my husband Dan and I traveled to Columbus to meet with Judge Paul Herbert (CATCH Court) and some ladies that work for Doma (an organization that is involved in ending human trafficking in Columbus).  I am a visual and experiential learner and was having a hard time understanding what CATCH and Doma were doing.  Today, I witnessed it.  Today ranks up there with some of the most memorable days of my life.  Learn more about CATCH court here.  What an amazing experience...the women are absolutely beautiful.  They are honest, they are open, they are grateful for the simple things.  THIS IS CRAZY!!!!  God is working in these women and with these people!  There is a buzz already in place here in NE Ohio.  So, our kickoff event is scheduled for March 2012 at Church of the Open Door in Elyria.  Mark your calendars...and be there.  You will want to be involved...you will have no choice.  Give me 7 minutes below to show you what God is doing in Columbus and what we are planning to do in Greater Cleveland:  (if the music is playing, you can pause it by scrolling all the way down to the bottom of my blog)

I am gathering my team...and I need a variety of gifts and skill sets.  How will you be involved in ending slavery in NE Ohio?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

For those interested in anti-human trafficking...prayers appreciated

This week I have received some kind of miraculous motivation to get moving on the Anti-Human Trafficking Initiative at our church.  I've been chatting with some amazing people and learning so many things.  God is moving and I am on FIRE!  With that said, tomorrow my husband and I are attending a very important meeting with two people that are involved in hands on work with victims of HT.  They want to help us in our efforts and are graciously allowing us to be a part of their work for the day. I am so excited that I want to pee myself.  (I won't...I promise).  Will you pray?  Pray that God goes before us and shows us exactly the steps that we should take next.  Pray that we have clarity and unity.  Pray against the enemies plans to thwart our efforts as he is already scheming to create confusion, fear, and complacency.  

I can't wait to report back to you.  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Taking some steps...

God continues to open doors and facilitate connections for me in this venture.  He also has closed doors.  Something that seemed so perfect and so right...and it's not happening.  So, on to plan B...and I'm very excited to hear what plan B is by the way.  Or, perhaps my plan B was God's plan A all along?  Who knows.  Part of what makes me nervous about this whole thing is the knowledge that God will stretch me and the enemy will fight me.  The pessimist in me is feeling very confident at the moment.  So, I will keep taking some steps.  In the meantime...want to look at the cute kids that are cheering me up today?